Sustainable environmental performance is a mindset that is firmly embedded in our business strategy.

Environmental management plans are an integral part of every project we undertake and we strive for continuous improvement in our performance. We apply the same rigor to the way we manage our own facilities in order to minimize their environmental impact.


Through our commitment to the three Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle – we and our customers make beneficial use of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of concrete and asphalt rubble every year. By managing concrete and asphalt rubble on our construction sites and using our construction yards as recycling depots, we have achieved a leading position as a producer of quality recycled granulars. These products meet all Ontario standards and are used as approved road base on Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) and municipal projects or sold to other construction contractors. In addition, our hot mix asphalt plants use recycled asphalt aggregates for a portion of their needs, reducing the consumption of virgin materials.

Asphalt Materials


Our asphalt manufacturing plants and construction yards operate in strict compliance with environmental standards. All have storm water management systems to capture and filter sediments prior to discharging the water into the surrounding environment. Our asphalt plants are equipped with baghouses to capture emissions and our construction yards follow best practices in materials storage and road maintenance to limit dust.


We promote energy efficiency by ensuring that our equipment fleet is well maintained and replaced on a regular basis.

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In keeping with growth in this area of the construction industry, Dufferin Construction is always looking for opportunities to work with new partners that will complement our expertise and help us win projects.


We are committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of the public, the environment and all Dufferin Construction Company employees, subcontractors and our suppliers.